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Core values

Focus on quality

The first way to differentiate our company from competitors is to prioritize quality in all aspects of our work, from demining operations to customer service. This includes implementing strict safety protocols, using advanced demining technologies, and ensuring that all employees are well-trained and experienced.


Strong relationships

Building strong relationships with partners, such as government agencies, NGOs, and local communities, helps our company gain credibility and support. We work closely with Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action (ANAMA) so we can better understand their needs and concerns and develop tailored solutions that meet their expectations.


Competitive pricing and flexible solutions

While quality is important, pricing and flexibility are also key factors that influence customers' decisions. We consider offering competitive pricing, flexible contract terms, and customized solutions that meet customers' specific needs and budget.


Leverage technology and innovation

Embracing new technologies and innovative solutions can help our company stay ahead of the competition and deliver better results. We invest in research and development to explore new approaches and use technologies such as RAMS (Remote Aerial Minefield Survey) technology that can enhance our safety and security operations and differentiate our company.